
Mrs. Clean's Cleaning Service is a family owned and operated cleaning business started in hopes of bringing quality service and affordable rates directly to your home or business.We are located in Saginaw, Michigan and provide our services to Saginaw and its surrounding areas. We are insured and bonded. Our business hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., variable hours upon request. Please feel free to browse our site and submit comments or questions at will. To schedule an appointment, please call 989.522.2829. Thank-you for your time and business!!!
Nicole Ebiware

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Back To School Special

Schedule a cleaning between August 24 and September 4, 2015 and get 15% off your cleaning.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ibotta: FREE Savings app for stores and products across the U.S.

This app I discovered while tracking my calories and fitness goals. Although it may seem irrelevant to cleaning, I tend to notice that busy households with larger families, who often need my help, sometimes struggle financially. As an organization guru, I am extending my knowledge to you in this department, as well, to encourage better finances, healthier foods, cheaper cleaning supplies and job security (for me, wink, wink).

There are stores listed from every part of the country, various brands, savings card affiliations (like Rite Aid) and even rebates that apply to ALL BRANDS.

Please, take the time to investigate this application. It is completely free and probably warrants ten minutes of browsing before you hit the stores. I feel that in this economy, any time you can save money will benefit you in all of your long-term goals.

Here is the link: https://ibotta.com/r/jcapbrx

The app is Ibotta.

My goal is to help in any way I can. That is why I love my work. Please take a moment to share this post with your friends and family and maybe it will help someone else, too.

Have an awesome weekend!!!


Sunday, June 7, 2015

New Housekeeper

Mrs. Clean's Cleaning Service is happy to announce a new house keeper has been hired. Her name is Melissa. We are looking to establish some new, regular clients for her, so give us a call! 989.522.2829

Saturday, March 14, 2015


I need to hire at least one more person for my Saginaw area cleaning jobs. Said person needs to be in good physical condition, have a knack for cleaning, and no felonies. Please call 989.522.2829 to set up an interview.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015